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SOFACQ Gallery

André posman
1945 - Ghent

 André Posman (1945) is a Flemish historian and concert organizer.  From 1985 to 2008 numerous concerts of contemporary Belgian music were organized in his hall 'De rode pomp' in Ghent. In 2002 he acquired the Fugatrophy, awarded by the Union of Belgian Composers.  André Posman is the brother of the composer Lucien Posman.


Posman André, De man voert….. (Het Huwelijk).

Pencil on paper, 75,5 x 58cm.


Posman André, Luctor et Emergo1987.

Oil painting on wood, letters, 134,5 x 94,5 cm.

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Posman André, Bong Series III, 2013.

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Posman André, Bong Series IV, 2013.


Posman André, De golven.

Tempera on canvas.

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